
Date Jar

I was scrolling through pintrest for some inspiration and I came across this whole Date Jar idea. For an extremely indecisive person I thought this was just perfect. It cost me next to nothing and was so much fun to make.
Take a glass jar, which you can pick up for like £1 in Tiger or pretty much any store. Buy some lollypop sticks, £1 for 50+ on trusty old eBay.
This and some nail varnish colours are all you need. Paint the ends of the sticks to sort them in to categories, for example Dinner, Day time and Night time. Then write all the things you enjoy doing, or things you want to do. Thats it, super fun and so easy.
Next time you're indecisive about what to do, pick something out the jar.
You could also easily adapt this for anything, like what to make for dinner or where to take the kids on a weekend.
